COMMITTEES.We invite CSJ members to join a committee that may interest you. Our committees meet regularly to advocate and coordinate CSJ initiatives. Joining a committee is a great way to network and connect with counselor advocates around the world.
COMMITTEE chairs 2024-2025
Conference Committee at ACA Conference, New Orleans, 2019
Advocacy Committee Chair: Drs. Sailume Walo-Roberts and Tina Onikoyi
Awards Committee Chair: vacant Conference Planning Committee Chairs: vacant Marketing, Media, and Public Relations Committee Chair: Dr. Jennifer Casani Membership Committee Chair: Dr. Lisa Wenninger Mentoring Committee Chairs: Dr. Christina McGrath Fair and Mercy Machado Newsletter Committee Chairs: Sam Steen and Dr. Darius Green Professional Development Committee Chairs: Dr. Marlon Johnson Research Committee Chair: Dr. Alfonso Ferguson and Suni Sharma Journal of Social Action in Counseling & Psychology Editors: Drs. Delarious O. Stewart & Pina Marsico Racial Justice Task Force Committee Chairs: not currently active School Counseling Task Force Committee Chairs: vacant Strategic Planning Committee Chairs: Shanice Armstrong and Chiquita Long Holmes Counselor Education and Supervision Committee Chairs: vacant |
The Advocacy Committee is responsible for coordinating and following through with the advocacy actions as articulated in the Strategic Plan and as desired by the membership. The advocacy committee may address issues related to public policy, legislation, activism, and social action that promotes social justice in the counseling profession and beyond.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected]
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected]
The Awards Committee selects the recipients for all CSJ awards and grants by soliciting nominations from the membership, reviewing nominations, and selecting awardees. The committee will coordinate the provision of award/grant items (e.g., certificates, leis, checks) and oversee the grantees’ provision of a post-award report.
For more information, please email the committee at and visit the Awards & Grants webpage.
For more information, please email the committee at and visit the Awards & Grants webpage.
The Conference Planning Committee puts on the activities and events at our annual conference. Traditionally this was at the ACA conference, and as of 2025, CSJ is putting on our own conference for the first time! The Conference Planning Committee responsibilities include coordinating the Exhibit Hall and CSJ's booth, attracting sponsors, networking events such as a luncheon, the Town Hall and CSJ Members Meeting, service day, and additional advocacy efforts.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Conference webpage.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Conference webpage.
The Marketing, Media and Public Relations Committee develops resources and materials which enhance the Association’s public profile and develops resources that are useful in social justice advocacy for counselors, clients and the community-at-large. This committee works closely with the Communication Officer to enhance the Association’s social media network, including the newsletter, website, ACA Connect, email listserv, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter platforms.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected].
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected].
The Counselors for Social Justice Membership Committee supports our community with questions about membership. We also guide the application process for groups interested in starting their own CSJ chapter, and help with chapter compliance questions, offering support to reactivate any that have lapsed. Membership hosts Member Town Halls each year. Tasks on this committee include member outreach, data analysis, and event planning. We warmly welcome new members who are eager to engage with this initiative.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Membership and Chapters webpages.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Membership and Chapters webpages.
The Mentoring & Leadership committee was established in order to develop policies and practices that support our members in leadership development and that create pathways for mentoring. We aspire to assist CSJ members in developing their skills as leaders, particularly as it relates to being a leader in social justice counseling. We also seek to engage both new and more experienced members in meaningful and mutually beneficial mentoring relationships.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Mentoring Webpage.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Mentoring Webpage.
newsletter committee
The Newsletter Committee is responsible for outreach to professional counselors for newsletter articles and creating a comprehensive newsletter for membership.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected].
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected].
The Professional Development committee is responsible for the provision of professional development activities coordinated by CSJ. This includes: the development and delivery of webinars or other trainings; developing joint conference efforts with other divisions and organizations; overseeing the CEU process for CSJ activities; and developing mentoring and leadership development opportunities.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Webinar Series webpage.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected] and visit the Webinar Series webpage.
The Research Committee encourages and implements activities that enhance the quality and quantity of research related to social justice advocacy and counseling, including recognizing outstanding research. The Committee has a wide range of responsibilities including identifying members of the Research Committee, determining and implementing activities to benefit the quality and quantity of social justice related research, recommending on-going special projects, and determining candidates for the annual research award.
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected]
For more information, please email the committee at [email protected]
The Bylaws Committee is responsible for drafting proposals for amendments to the Bylaws and for the final wording of amendments passed by the Board and membership to ensure their consistency with the style and substance of the bylaws.
The Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for seeking nominations for officers on the Board, for recommending a slate of officers to the Board, and for establishing procedures for carrying out the annual election.
For more information, please email [email protected].
For more information, please email [email protected].
The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for updating and monitoring the Association’s Strategic Plan annually. The Strategic Planning Committee develops recommendations for the CSJ Executive Board on the future scope and direction of the Association.
For more information, please email [email protected].
For more information, please email [email protected].
Racial Justice Task Force Committee
The Racial Justice Task Force Committee was formed in response to undue police violence during the summer 2020, led by Dr. Lauren Shure, Dr. Shon Smith, Dr. Darius Green, to develop professional development opportunities, events, and advocacy efforts.
For more information, please email [email protected].
For more information, please email [email protected].
school counseling task force committee
The School Counseling Task Force was created to ensure representation of the school counseling profession within our CSJ advocacy efforts. The School Counseling Task Force ensures that school counseling topics and advocacy are weaved into our CSJ programming.
For more information, please email [email protected].
For more information, please email [email protected].
The goal of the Counselor Education & Supervision Task Force is to provide best practices and resources in social justice work for counselor educators and supervisors, as it is the responsibility of counselor educators and supervisors to ensure that counseling trainees (1) understand power, privilege, and oppression as it exists in the counseling/supervision room and in all systems in society, (2) have the skills to challenge oppressive systems, and (3) have the skills to empower and work alongside oppressed communities to ensure equitable educational, mental health, economic, and life outcomes.
For more information, please email [email protected].
For more information, please email [email protected].
connect with csj
Join CSJ on social media @CSJNational and join our community on ACA Connect!
Still got questions? Email [email protected]