Events.CSJ coordinates regular advocacy and membership events to support our members and chapters, and CSJ partners with ACA and ACA divisions to provide access to our larger counseling community.
Click the link below to see our current events!
2024 Events will be updated at the end of the year.
2024 Events will be updated at the end of the year.
Janurary 2023: I NEED A MINUTE
Dr. Caroline Baker - CSJ School counseling rep, Dr. Stephanie Smith-Durkin - CSJ School Counseling Task Force, & Dr. Delila Owens - CSJ Past President Description: Join us our second School Counselor Roundtable - A space for school counselors to share and discuss current events and trends in the field with the goal of providing support. We hope you can join us for this engaging forum! All school counselors welcome. |
Presenters representing ACA Divisions:
Association for Counselor Education & Supervision, Counselors for Social Justice, Humanistic Counseling Association, & Military and Government Counseling Association Description: The CSJ Counselor Education and Supervision Task Force presents a PDI centered around the impact of different social justice issues on counselor education and supervision. Presenters from different divisions of the American Counseling Association will shed light on social justice issues in their respective areas and provide insight into how counselor educators and counselor educators-in-training can be more strategic as they approach different issues. |
March 2023: FUBU: How Counselor Educators are Intentionally Decolonizing Research
Dr. Amanda L. Baden, Dr. Christian D. Chan, & Dr. John J. S. Harrichand Description: The ethos of the panel is to understand each counselor educator's journey to becoming a researcher who intentionally represents historically marginalized communities through their scholarship. The panelists will highlight their path of becoming counselor educators who intentionally decolonize counseling research and represent historically marginalized communities through their scholarship. Panelists recognize the importance of representation and empowerment of marginalized communities and are an integral part of the counseling community. |
Dr. Florence Saint-Jean & Dr. Selma Yznaga Description: Invited presenters will explore how they maximize their research to effectively and intentionally support the underserved populations they work with. The panelists will discuss the different ways they decolonize research and how research informs their clinical practice and advocacy within their communities. |
February 2023: The Hidden Curriculum of Counselor Education Careers
Dr. Allison Levine, Dr. Jennifer Casani, & Dr. Colette Dollarhide Description: Careers in Counselor Education come in a wide range of options that can fit a wide range of life choices. But which one is for you? Teaching or research? Tenure track, clinical track, or something more fluid? There are social justice implications that need to be made visible. Join three presenters who have different career paths as they discuss the hidden curriculum in careers in Counselor Education, including what job titles mean, the pro's and con's of different career paths in Counselor Education, and tips, tools, and resources for evaluating options and opportunities in CES. |
Dr. Natasha Barnes & Dr. Zori Paul Description: Mentorship is a very important part of professional development for counselors and counselor educators. This presentation will define and frame mentorship through a multicultural feminist model when working with marginalized counseling students and new professional mentees. The presentation will also provide tips for how to initiate a mentorship relationship. |
Dr. Sojeong Nam, Dr. GoEun Na, Dr. Jeongwoon Jeong, Dr. Donghun Lee, & Dr. Jungeun Lee Description: This webinar will highlight a recent qualitative inquiry where the presenters illuminated the lived experiences of Asian and Asian American children with anti-Asian hate crimes through parents’ perspectives. The presenters will introduce domains and categories identified using the Consensual Qualitative Research method and discuss implications for counseling and counselor education. |
July 2023: Promoting Ethical, Multicultural, & Social Justice Practice with Minority Communities
Dr. Michael Kocet Description: This workshop will focus on ways to integrate professional ethical standards from a multicultural and intersectional lens with underserved populations. The presentation will infuse examples that focus on social justice and advocacy and ways to ethically bracket cultural values that may impede effective and ethical practice with clients. |
Dr. Ashlei Petion, LPC, NCC; Deaetta Grinnage, LPC; and Marshaya Rountree Description: Much attention in our profession is given to trauma-informed care, but are you generational trauma-informed? This presentation will provide an overview of generational trauma, trauma that is passed down between generations within families, in Black communities. Through an overview of existing literature, original research studies, and discussion about the signs and symptoms of generational trauma, attendees will learn strategies for facilitating generational healing with Black clients. |
Jasmine Santiago, Dr. Anna Flores Locke, Dr. Daniel Cisneros The ethos of the panel is to understand each counselor educator's journey to becoming a researcher who intentionally represents historically marginalized communities through their scholarship. The panelists will highlight their path of becoming counselor educators who intentionally decolonize counseling research and represent historically marginalized communities through their scholarship. Panelists recognize the importance of representation and empowerment of marginalized communities and are an integral part of the counseling community. |
Dr. Tameeka Hunter, Dr. Carlos Flores, and Dr. Marcus Smith; Host, Dr. Alfonso Ferguson Description: The ethos of the panel is to understand each counselor educator's journey to becoming a researcher who intentionally represents historically marginalized communities through their scholarship.The panelists will highlight their path of becoming counselor educators who intentionally decolonize counseling research and represent historically marginalized communities through their scholarship. Panelists recognize the importance of representation and empowerment of marginalized communities and are an integral part of the counseling community |
Dr. Collette Dollarhide, NCC, LPC-S Description: Traditional models of supervision are based on white hegemony and reinforce colonization. Using the Social Justice Supervision Models, power is equalized, identities are broached and explored with respect, and both the supervisee and client benefit from liberatory discourse during supervision. |
November 2023: embracing disability culture in counselor education
Ms. Olivia Fadul and Dr. Lynn Pierce Description: The presenters will explore what defines disability culture, their research on academic ableism in counseling and rehab, and why to embrace this in counseling education. Come prepared to learn and come away with tangible tools in expanding access to apply to your daily counseling and/or teaching practices. |
November 2023: School Counselor Roundtable
Dr. Caroline Baker, CSJ School Counseling Rep.; Dr. Delia Owens, Dr. Stephanie Smith-Durkin, Dr. Coletter Dollarhide, Dr. Katherine Wood, Ms. Ali Oosterhuis Description: This roundtable offers school counselors a space to share and discuss current events and trends in the field with the goal of providing support. |
february 2022: Exploring and Overcoming Imposter's Syndrome Among counselors of Color
Frank Gorritz Description: This workshop will accomplish the following learning objectives: 1. Assist attendees in identifying signs of Imposter’s Syndrome among counselors in the counseling field. 2. Educate attendees on the impacts of Imposter’s Syndrome on counselors of color in the counseling field. 3. Educate attendees on strategies that can empower counselors of color in navigating Imposter’s Syndrome and minority stress in the counseling field. |
March 2022: CSJ spring town hall
march 2022: Why is critical race theory critical and where do counseling professionals go From here?
Brooks Collins-Gaines, Dr. Richard Garvin, Dr. Fawn Gordon, Dr. Megan Seaman Description: Racism is a polarizing social and political topic in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021), “racism is a system – consisting of structures, polices, practices, and norms – that assigns value and determines opportunity based on the way people look or the color of their skin.” This system unjustly gives a group of people privilege, while oppressing other groups. Due to the normalized nature of racism and overt/covert prejudice the discussion of CRT is necessary for counseling professionals. Participants will learn about the history of CRT and how it has become more relevant in the counseling profession. Participants will engage in discussions related to their own experiences with racism. The presentation will conclude with participants outlining how the learned competencies and knowledge of CRT can be implemented into their own practice. |
April 2022: CSJ Digital events @ aca conference 2022
If you are unable to join us in-person at ACA Conference, please joins us digitally for our Membership Meeting & Town Hall at ACA 2022 Conference via Zoom: Same Zoom link for both events, 1 hour break in between.
may 2022: current events school counseling roundtable
june 2022: Social justice symposium
Join us this weekend for the Social Justice Symposium! Free CE credits are offered for each session. Day 1 Opening Keynote: Dr. S.K. Butler - Counselors Thriving: Unstoppable You! Presenters: Demarcus Davis, LPC, JD - Unexpected Spaces for Advocacy: Family Medical Leave Act, Ethics, and the Law Dr. Rafe McCoulough - Trans-Affirming Counseling Day 2 Dr. Ebony White - Centering Advocacy in Counseling Dr. Lauren Shure - Advocacy in the Era of “Anti-Woke” And “Don’t Say Gay” Legislation Panel Discussion - Addressing the Challenges of Advocacy |
june 2022: A Step Towards Decolonization: The Social Justice Supervision Model
Dr. Colette Dollarhide Description: In this webinar, we will discuss why supervision needs to be decolonized and how to ensure that supervision is grounded in social justice. A new model of social justice supervision (Dollarhide, Hale, & Stone-Sabali, 2021) will be offered, with benefits and challenges outlined based on a pilot study of supervisors using the model. |
June 2022: Evolution for Queer Liberation: “Walking the Walk” from LGBTGEQIAP+ Allyship to Intersectional Feminist Activism
Chase Morgan-Swaney, LPCC, NCC, CWC Description: Queer and trans folx are striving to thrive amidst an increasingly hostile sociopolitical landscape and ascending to liberation cannot happen from the sidelines. Explored through intersectional feminism, this webinar seeks to examine the contributions of the LGBTGEQIAP+ ally position, the limitations of allyship related to queer liberation, and the urgent need to move from an ally identity to an intersectional, relational, power conscious, and politicized activist identity. This webinar will provide practical and conceptual tools and strategies to facilitate the evolution from allyship to activism. |
July 2022: When they close a door, find a window: professional practice and advocacy in the era of anti-crt and lgbt legislation
Dr. Lauren Shure with Cristian Aguilar-Agudelo, Dialis Burke, Chelsie Byars, Michaela Carney, Precious Denson, Neli Lesser, Lindsay Syeh, Ryan Small, Brooke Whitfield-Fattovich, and Jasmine Wilson Description: The recent passing of Anti-CRT and Anti-LGBT legislation by state governments has left many school-based service providers confused regarding how to effectively continue their roles while working within the bounds of these new laws. This presentation uses PollEverywhere to engage participants in discussion about concerns they have and advocacy actions they have taken to address the negative impacts of these laws. Recommendations for ethical practice and advocacy will be provided using the ACA Advocacy Competencies as a framework. |
october 2022: Race, Disability, & Social Justice: What is the Rehabilitation Counselor's Role?
Dr. Keisha G. Rogers, President-Elect of the National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns (NAMRC) Description: Rehabilitation Counseling is a distinct, but lesser-known, area of counseling aimed at assisting persons with disabilities (PWDs) in gaining or regaining their independence through employment or other meaningful activity. The state-federal vocational rehabilitation system (VR) was designed to help PWDs achieve this goal by eliminating barriers to employment. However, there are indications that barriers exist within the vocational rehabilitation system itself. Historically, there has been evidence of racial discrepancies in service provisions in VR counseling. This presentation will provide an overview of rehabilitation counseling and examine irregularities related to race and VR service provisions. Implications and recommendations on achieving social justice in rehabilitation counseling will be addressed. |
October 2022: CSJ membership virtual town hall
November 2022: Sharing power with students in counselor education: decolonizing our relationships
Dr. Colette Dollarhide, Professor and Program Chair, Counselor Education; Assistant Chair, Department of Educational Studies, The Ohio State University Description: Graduate students are often treated as powerless, used and manipulated to serve faculty egos. In Counselor Education, this is a reality that we must address. We need to share power with students and advocate for their input in meeting their educational needs, including confronting abusive colleagues. Let's talk about what this process of student empowerment looks like! |
December 2022: FUBU - How counselor educators are intentionally decolonizing research
Dr. LaVerne Collins, Dr. Michael Hannon, & Dr. Tyce Nadrich Description: The ethos of the panel is to understand each counselor educator's journey to becoming a researcher who intentionally represents historically marginalized communities through their scholarship. The panelists will highlight their path of becoming counselor educators who intentionally decolonize counseling research and represent historically marginalized communities through their scholarship. Panelists recognize the importance of representation and empowerment of marginalized communities and are an integral part of the counseling community. |
February 2021: CSJ Chapter townhall
Interested in CSJ chapters? Join us for tips and success stories from our CSJ University and State Chapters! We will share recommendations and resources for starting, developing, and maintaining a CSJ chapter. We will answer questions for those interested in starting a chapter and those with already established chapters. We look forward to learning more about chapters and the ways in which we can support the growth of social justice counseling in local communities. |
February 2021: I need a minute, a time for collective mourning monthly series
Join the Black History Month INAM Event
Description: Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd… Unfortunately, these are the most recent African American victims that have lost their lives by the hands of law enforcement or vigilantes for being Black in America. The global observation of this loss of life from a historical, racial, oppressive, policing system has and continues to have a significant impact on the mental health and physical health of all Americans witnessing these actions and responses. We invite all members of the counseling community to join us as we understand the need and purpose of a space for community and collective mourning as we continue pursuing social justice. |
March 2021: Counselors for social justice at mississippi state university inaugural social justice symposium
The 2021 Social Justice Symposium aims to create a safe, interactive educational experience that promotes self-reflection that leads to critical analysis of social justice concerns and a deeper understanding of the advocacy mandates in helping professions. The symposium is a virtual event, occurring over two days – Friday, March 12th, from 9am-1pm and Saturday, March 13th, 9am-2pm. |
April 2021: Saturdays for social justice with csJ
April 3, Presenter:
Dr. Ebony White Description: I Need A Minute April 3, Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Deryl Bailey Description: CSJ Awards Ceremony April 10, Panelists:
CSJ Past-Presidents and Elder Council; Moderated by Frannie Neal & Frank Gorritz Description: Wisdom of Generations April 17, Panelists:
CSJ School Counseling Taskforce, School Leadership for Social Justice, Educators for Justice, and Jill Cook, Executive Director of ASCA Description: Decentering Whiteness: A Schoolwide Approach April 17, Presenters:
ACA Divisions Description: Interdivisional Social Justice Summit |
august 2021: Racial battle fatigue & black men's mental health
Dr. Courtland C. Lee, Dr. S. Kent Butler, Dr. Shon D. Smith, & Dr. William A. Smith Description: CSJ and AMCD are partnering in this panel discussion designed to provide participants with essential information needed to more effectively and holistically evaluate how our society functions differently for radicalized people. The critical objection is recognizing how the foundation and history of race and racism reinforce the contemporary social, educational, and public health inequalities as it specifically relates to Black men and their mental health. Participants will understand the foundation of racial oppression and how it has carried over to modern time, be able to define what racial microaggressions are will acquire a deeper understanding of how they impact Radicalized Communities, and identify how events cause biopsychosocial trauma in Radicalized Communities which leads to Racial Battle Fatigue. |
August 2021: CSJ membership committee meeting
september 2021: children and trauma
Stephanie Filio, M.Ed., is a middle school counselor in Virginia Beach, Virginia., published author, and weekend artist. She received her undergraduate degree in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Virginia and her M.Ed. in counseling from Old Dominion University. In a discussion with one of her UVA professors about her desire to stay in school forever, her mentor wisely responded, “If you want to be a lifelong learner, go into education,” and so she found her place. Prior to school counseling, Stephanie worked in private education, specializing in standardized tests, test preparation, and future planning. She writes about her career and hobbies at Free Spirit Publishing’s Counseling Corner, and published Responding to Student Trauma with them last year. |
october & november 2021: Fall webinar series - white supremacy & cyberhate in the profession
Addressing Elements of White Supremacy in Counselor Education
Presenter: Frank Gorritz Description: Despite a perceived "post-racist era" prevalent in various forms of discourse, racial injustice is still perpetuated throughout counselor education (Arredondo et al., 2020; Brown & Grothaus, 2019). This presentation recognizes how white supremacy is still perpetuated throughout counselor education, as well as how white supremacy impacts students, counseling clients, and teaching professionals in counselor education. Addressing Cyber Hate in Counseling Cyberspaces
Presenters: Dr. Darius Green, Gene Dockery, Dr. Brittany A. Williams, & Dr. Chantrelle Varnado-Johnson Description: Cyber hate refers to the use of online and digital technology to communicate denigrating and discriminatory messages to likeminded individuals and to targeted minoritized groups. Oftentimes, cyberspaces offer a degree of detachment, anonymity, and entitlement within the social interactions that take place in these settings. As a result, it is common for cyberspaces to be used as a tool for disseminating discriminatory content through overt and covert means. Unfortunately, a recent study conducted on cyberspaces used in the counseling profession revealed a notable perceived prevalence of various forms of cyber hate and highlighted the potential impact of such online-mediated discrimination. In our webinar, we will describe cyber hate, how it occurs, its impact on professional counselors and counselor educators, and social justice strategies for prevention and intervention. |
June 2020: CSJ virtual town hall and awards event
CSJ Membership Committee Description: Please join CSJ for the CSJ Virtual Town Hall where members will: - celebrate 2020 CSJ awardees and grantees - network with CSJ leaders - learn about CSJ chapters - learn about CSJ mentoring program - hear from CSJ President and President-Elect about current and potential CSJ initiatives |
June 2020: I Need a minute, a time for collective mourning
CSJ, AMCD, SAIGE, and ACA Co-Sponsors Description: Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd… Unfortunately, these are the most recent African American victims that have lost their lives by the hands of law enforcement or vigilantes for being Black in America. The global observation of this loss of life from a historical, racial, oppressive, policing system has and continues to have a significant impact on the mental health and physical health of all Americans witnessing these actions and responses. We invite all members of the counseling community to join us as we understand the need and purpose of a space for community and collective mourning as we continue the work of pursuing social justice. |
June 2020: CSJ Town hall - racial trauma & the violent & negligent policing of black americans
CSJ, ASGW, AMCD, SAIGE, and ACA Co-Sponsors Description: In response to recent and continued police violence toward Black Americans, CSJ is holding a Town Hall event to allow ACA chapters, divisions, and members to share how they are addressing this violence, call one another to action and discuss how we can all advocate at the individual, community and larger societal levels, remember and celebrate Juneteenth, and hold an open forum for people to speak and be heard. |
July 2020: Chapter showcase and best practices
CSJ Membership Committee Description: Are you interested in starting a CSJ chapter, or looking to connect with a local CSJ chapter? Join our membership committee to learn about exemplary chapter practices, connect with chapters and members, ask questions, and support chapters and members. We will hear from 3 of our CSJ Chapters on how they got started, their ongoing social justice endeavors, and their advice for those interested in starting or building a CSJ chapter. We look forward to seeing you then! |
October 2020: Fall Chapter Town Hall
Event library
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Thank you for joining our CSJ Events! For more information, visit our Membership page and learn how to become a member.
And visit our Announcements page to stay updated with what's new with CSJ!
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