AMCD Joint Service Day: Call for Volunteers
ACA 2018 in Atlanta, GA AMCD, CSJ, ASERVIC, and ALGBTIC are excited to announce the 2018 Joint Service Day at the American Counseling Association (ACA) national conference in Atlanta, GA. Division Presidents have asked that we partner counseling professionals/leaders with emerging professionals/graduate students to use their skills in counseling outreach efforts with the diverse and multicultural community of Atlanta. In this spirit, AMCD, CSJ, ASERVIC, and ALGBTC are hoping to recruit 20-30 volunteers, both professionals and students, to participate in community service during the 2018 ACA Conference in Atlanta. The 2015 Service Day will be held on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. Teams of professionals and students will complete a 4-8 hour service day project at the site of a community partner in Atlanta. Volunteers will be assigned to committees and will receive training and assist in planning the Service Day prior to April 25. Volunteers should arrive in Atlanta prior to the April 25 Service Day. If you are interested in volunteering please send your name, contact information (email address and phone number), and a statement of your interest in serving as a volunteer along with your resume/vitae to Mrs. Kristy Christopher-Holloway ([email protected]) by Thursday, March 1, 2018. If you know of someone that may be interested in this opportunity, please share this call for volunteers with her/him. Last year’s AMCD & CSJ Service Day Projects were held in San Francisco, CA. The one-day project included:
This year’s Service Day Projects will include working with community agencies that provide services to immigrants, college students, and mothers in the criminal justice system. On behalf of the Central Planning Committee, we look forward to hearing from you. |
March 2021